
Melissa Benoist, Supergirl劇照



“kara渴望挽回每個人的信任。她很顯然沒經歷過紅色氪星石輻射。” Benoist說。“事實上kara試圖獲得城市的信任是件很有趣的事情。”

James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks)明確表示,當kara見到他的前女友Lucy Lane(Jenna


同樣樂觀的心情並沒有表現在J'onn J'onzz (David

Harewood)身上,上周他暴露真實身份隻為阻止kara,因為她想殺死自己的養姐Alex (Chyler Leigh)。真實身份的暴露使得J'onn






J'onzz已經350歲瞭,很多關於他的事情kara並不知道。而關於Jeremiah Danvers (Dean



Supergirl: Kara Is "Desperate to Win Everyone's Trust Back"

The consequences of Kara's (Melissa Benoist) Red Kryptonite trip continue

on Monday's Supergirl as the bulletproof superhero attempts to win back the

trust of her city and loved ones.

"Kara is a little desperate to win everyone's trust back. She obviously has

never experienced anything like the fallout of Red Kryptonite," Benoist tells "It's actually funny how much she tries and the ways that she tries

to gain the city's trust back."

That includes James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks), who made it clear he isn't ready

to hear how Kara feels about him after the jealous tangent she went on about his

ex-girlfriend, Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan-Tatum). It'll be a long road back to

potential romance for the two crime fighting pals, but Benoist is optimistic

that they'll find their way back to each other. "Their timing is so terrible,

hers especially in the last episode when she said some things that you can't

really take back," the actress says. "There's a lot to come for them though. I

don't think it's going to end badly."

That same optimism isn't there when it comes to J'onn J'onzz (David

Harewood) who revealed his true identity last week to save Kara from killing her

adopted sister Alex (Chyler Leigh). The reveal has landed him in prison at the

DEO instead of running it. Monday's episode will force Kara to come face to face

with exactly what she forced J'onn to give up to protect her and her sister.

"Seeing Hank in prison might possibly be the guiltiest she has ever felt.

It is kind of her fault," Benoist explains. "He's such a paternal figure to her

and Alex that there's a lot of pain involved in seeing him locked up when she

knows the truth about him. He's actually an ally and a force of good."

J'onn's imprisonment will lead to the full story of how he became Hank

Henshaw and took over the DEO coming out. Benoist reveals that J'onn and Hank

won't be the only people that the audience - and Kara and Alex - will learn a

lot more about. "J'onn J'onzz is 350 years old so there's a lot about him that

[Kara] doesn't know. There's a lot about Jeremiah Danvers政府補助案 [Dean Cain] that

everyone is unaware of," she says. "There's a lot revealed in the next episode.

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8/7c on CBS.





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